We’re going to open up the front of our building, to create a fantastic café that will welcome everybody into Jubilee. 

It’ll provide a full view of all that we can do for the city, a full view of a fantastic café to sit alongside the new Albion Square development, and a full view of the now hidden baroque revival façade of our fine building. We’ll be making some improvements inside too, so our church is even better suited to helping those who are homeless, those who would be isolated without us, people with special needs, refugees, and young people. To do the work, we need to raise £750,000, so we need help from everybody who cares about the work we do, and the difference we can make in Hull. If you’d like to know more, download our campaign brochure. 
You can donate to the Full View project via our just giving page 

This is Community 

Our Full View project is on its last lap. We’re heading for our own Olympic gold, and now we really need your help. 
We’ve raised £500,000 to make transformational change. Now we need just £150,000 to finish the job. We want to find: 
• 15 local companies, or generous individuals who can invest £10,000 each in making community in 
the heart of Hull. 
• If you can’t give that much, every single gift, no matter what size, takes us towards our target. 
Your gift will help us kit out our incredible Full View café and kitchen, but you’re doing way more than that. 
• You’ll helping homeless people, through showers, laundry, and signposting to addiction and housing help. 
• You’ll help lonely and isolated people through Life College, and helping long-term unemployed to get job-ready. 
• You’re creating a ‘living room for the community’ for the new Albion Square development, aa game-changer in a transformed King Edward Street. 
• You’re creating facilities for the business community: a place to work, to meet, and even better conferencing facilities. 
• You're adding to the cultural life of the city making it an even better venue for music, theatre and the arts. 
Click below to securely donate, or if you’d like to discuss a gift, or read our full business plan, complete your details below and one of the team will be in touch. 

The Benefits 

Your name on a Full View Supporters board at Jubilee Central and on our Jubilee Central website. 
A certificate to display at your premises. 
Invitation to exclusive Full View receptions and a dinner at Jubilee Central. 
We suggest a minimum donation of £100 per month by standing order. That could be a company donation, or for example 50 employees paying £2 each. Every week 150 people come to Jubilee Central for help. With your help we can assist even more people. 

Ready to participate? Sign up here! 

One of our team will get back to you as soon as we can.