We love our city and want to make a difference. Through the revenue from the venue, we are able to fund some amazing projects that are making a huge difference for people in our city. 

Jubilee Life College 

Launched in 2014, Jubilee Life College aims to give people the tools to live better lives and positively contribute to the local community through the provision of informal education. Running a variety of courses each term, Jubilee Life College aims to improve future prospects for each student whether that is improving confidence, developing social skills or gaining qualifications. Learners come from a variety of social backgrounds and situations including the long term unemployed, those with mental health issues, ex-offenders and those experiencing social exclusion. By providing free, easy to access courses, Life College aims to reach those who are most marginalised by society and help support them back into being part of the local community. 

Homeless Support 

We operate a drop-in service for those sleeping on the streets. Users can access showers, wash laundry and access new clothing. Our team is also on hand to provide advice and support. 

Big Issue 

We are Hull’s distribution centre for the Big Issue magazine which supports people to earn an income rather than begging. 

Refugee Support 

We hold language classes for refugees and asylum seekers, who might otherwise find it difficult to integrate into society. 

Hull Foodbank 

We work closely with vulnerable families, and provide assistance to them by hosting the Hull Foodbank project. 

Turning Lives Around